5 Foods You Should Never Refrigerate

It’s time for a veggie living post today! I know we have a bit of a tendency to just shove everything in the fridge to try and keep it fresh, but sometimes that’s actually not the best option. Even if you have some leftovers that you want to eat tomorrow, storing them away in a cold place might not be the right thing to do. Here are five foods that you should never, under any circumstances, be putting in the fridge. read more


Ed’s Diner – Chickpea and Quinoa Burger

Ed's Diner atomic chips

Recently we went back to Ed’s Diner to try their second burger – a full year after the first! The chickpea and quinoa burger was the focus of this visit, but I also decided to get a plate of the atomic American fries. These are served “With chilli, sour cream, Cheddar cheese sauce and guacamole on the side. Veggie option with BBQ sauce”. As you will see below, they are absolutely huge. The burger itself was very filling too, so just with these two items it was a filling meal. read more


Vine Post: The Revenant Bear Claws

So last night J and I went to see The Revenant. Wow. What a movie. If it doesn’t walk away with about 10 gazillion Oscars, there’s something wrong with the film industry. But besides the huge talents of Leonardo “Give Me Best Actor Already” Di Caprio and Tom Hardy, there’s another big star in the film: the bear. read more


Veggie Living: Basil

Basil pie

So this week I wanted to write a few lines about a little place to eat that we visit now and then, and which is definitely on my love list. Basil is a cafe/deli which serves beautiful food, much of it vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free, in Kent. They currently have three branches: two in Tunbridge Wells, and one in Tonbridge – our favourite as it’s a short walk away! read more


A Very Vegetarian Christmas 2015

It’s that time of year again! After last year’s Christmas post, I couldn’t let the occasion go by without another round-up of our Very Vegetarian Christmas. We always eat such amazing food at this time of year – I’m in awe of my Mum’s menus – and this year was no exception. This time around I even helped out to make Christmas lunch, which means I can proudly say I helped make and then plated up the starter below… read more


Vine Post: Christmas Mushroom Pie

This is not just a mushroom pie. This is a mushroom pie from the Mildred‘s cookbook.

We tweaked a few details here and there, but this is more or less the recipe that you will find in the book – served with a pastry lid rather than as a whole pastry pie. I pitched in to help my Mum with Christmas lunch this year and this is what she wanted to serve on the day – from the brand new Mildred’s book I’d bought her! As luck would have it she was planning a mushroom pie anyway, and this one happened to be similar enough that she had the right ingredients already. read more
