Reader Survey

reader survey

This week we’re doing something a little different – a reader survey! We want to ask you what kind of recipes you enjoy seeing, what you like about the ones we already share, and what you would like to see in the future.

This survey is open-ended, so don’t worry if you see this a week or a month after posting – we’re always open to hear your thoughts. read more


Video: Mexican Bowl

Mexican bowls

This week we’re sharing one of our all-time perennial favourites. The Mexican bowl is pretty much a staple of our diet: it’s easy to make, tastes fantastic, and is also very satisfying without being too unhealthy.

There’s a lot of components to the bowl that you can mix and match as you like. We always have home-made nachos to start with around the edge. This time we’ve added a black bean mix to the middle, but there are other possibilities too. read more


Quorn Three Cheese Chicken Crispbakes

It’s always fun to try something new from an established brand, and these Quorn three cheese chicken crispbakes caught our eye right away. They’re part of the Quorn frozen range and present an easy option for those busy weeknights.

They come in at 160 calories each, which certainly qualifies them as a lighter burger. This is great for those who want to have a burger but still watch their weight. The way they are formed means that you can easily eat them on their own, without a burger: the outer crust is very crispy and they hold their form well after cooking. It is not too thick or hard when you bite into them, however. They have a sticky texture on the inside, much as you might expect from melted cheese, as well as chunks of potato. read more


Video: Egg and Kale Galettes

Kale and egg galettes

This week we decided to go for a recipe inspired by our time in France in 2015. We so enjoyed going around different small restaurants and trying what was on the menu, and galettes were one of our highlights. That’s why we set about making our own! read more


10 Ways With Cherry Tomatoes

Chinese duck

It’s time for a recipe round-up once more! Today, we’re looking at cherry tomatoes. I have a real love-hate relationship with them: I can’t stand raw tomatoes at all, but when these are cooked, they often lend just what is needed to the dish. Here’s 10 recipes using them for you to try! read more


Quorn Sausage Patties

Quorn sausage patties

Today we’re looking at the Quorn sausage patties. These are a relatively new addition to the range, but we’ve already been enjoying them quite extensively. You might remember them from our burger bakes on Instagram, where we used them as an alternative to the pulled pork burgers! read more


Video: Pizza Pockets

Pizza pockets

This week we’ve got something super special. These pizza pockets are about to blow your mind.

We’ve already shared with you our method of making pizza just a little bit healthier: the tortilla pizza. But now we’re taking that to a whole new level with the pizza pocket. It may look simple, but trust us: this is so tasty and spectacular you will want to eat it every night of the week. read more
