The Barn Halloumi Burger

The Barn is a pub and restaurant in Tunbridge Wells, and until recently there wasn’t much to speak of on the bar menu (there’s only so many nachos you can eat). But the recent addition of a halloumi burger to the menu meant we absolutely had to go and check out the changes. Here’s what the menu has to say about this item: read more


Vine Post: Baked Bananas

This recipe for baked bananas is so simple, I’m not even including a recipe card. Take a look at our Vine and you will see just about everything you need to know for this delicious after-dinner treat!

First off, make sure that your bananas are nice and ripe. The riper the better, in fact! Don’t slice them all the way through, but just enough to cut through the flesh – you want the skin to hold together. The quantity isn’t so important but I used one date per banana and three squares of chocolate. read more


Quorn Vegan Hot & Spicy Burgers

Anyone who reads this blog and hates spicy food, look away now. I know you’re out there because I’ve spoken to some of you, and this burger is just not for you. Even I, made almost immune by J’s insistence on adding a bit of spice to everything, found these burgers to be too hot. Way too hot. So hot it was actually pretty uncomfortable. read more


Veggie Living: Silverstone British Grand Prix

This week past, I was living the field life at the British Grand Prix. Silverstone has been my home for five days out of the year for a decade now, as I have been volunteering as a crowd safety (and now track safety) marshal for all of that time. You might think it’s pretty tricky to eat veggie food at a place like that, where all of the food stalls are focused mostly around burgers – but actually, it’s not so bad, and this year there were more choices than ever. read more


Vine Post: Peanut Butter Energy Balls

Is there anything that peanut butter can’t do? I ask that seriously. These energy balls are absolutely amazing, there are only five ingredients in them, and they pack a mighty punch. You will find plenty of nutrients as well as a great little energy boost if you need it, and you don’t even have to do any cooking. Literally, this is probably the simplest piece of food you will ever create. read more


The Bakehouse at 124 – Beetroot Burger

This week we’re off to the British Grand Prix, so with five days of camping ahead, we started eating up all of our fresh food to get rid of it. As a result, there was nothing left to eat for lunch – which meant a trip to a local cafe was in order! The Bakehouse at 124 is relatively new to Tonbridge, but with bread and just about every other component of their food made in-house, they are definitely a special treat. read more


Vine Post: Vegan Fudge

Normally when I take a recipe from somewhere else, I add my own embellishments along the way, changing it to something more to my tastes. Not so with this vegan fudge, which I found in Deliciously Ella’s first book. When something has just four ingredients, looks easy to make, and sounds delicious, there’s no point in changing a thing!  read more
