Birchwood Farm – Sweet Potato and Mozzarella Burger

Birchwood Farm sweet potato and mozzarella burger

I recently ate this veggie burger while out meeting friends to celebrate Christmas, and of course a great night was had. There was Baileys, good food, and good company, and what more could you wish for? The sweet potato and mozzarella burger, as described on the menu, is served “with peppers and soya beans served in a floured bap with seasoned chips, homemade coleslaw, and a salad garnish”. read more


Vine Post: Gingerbread Sleigh

Gingerbread sleigh

This is one of those hilarious posts where I really can’t say that anything at all went well. While the Vine below may well show a gingerbread sleigh being made, I can’t say I ended up with one. I was quite excited to do this one as I have never made anything in a mould before, or gingerbread – and suffice to say, I’ll probably be doing something different next time. read more


Happy Christmas from VegBurge

Happy Christmas

As we are so close to Christmas, I just wanted to wish all of our readers a happy festive season. Here’s hoping that the presents you wished for are under the tree, Christmas dinner is cooked to perfection, and the New Year brings in the promise of an even happier 2016! read more


Vine Post: Avocado and Bacon Potato Hash

This recipe is a brand new one to us in many ways – I’d never bothered to cook potato from scratch like this before, as it’s just not something that features in our diet very often. But since trying out this potato hash recipe for the first time, we’ve gone on to make it again just a few days later, proving that it’s a new firm favourite. It’s absolutely delicious, and really moreish. The dressing especially makes this all the more special, though be careful not to use too much as it can overwhelm the taste. read more


Sugarsin: Veggie Sweets in Shoreditch

This week I wanted to tell you about some delicious sweets we have been snacking on ever since we last visited Shoreditch. In my photographic work I often spend a lot of time around the Shoreditch area, as I just love to shoot there. While walking along the Boxpark shop front after my last shoot day, we came across Sugarsin, a very appealing sweet shop. read more


5 Killer Veggie Cooking Tips

This week I wanted to let you know about some of my favourite cooking tips. When I started this blog I could just about cook pasta and not much else, but as I have experimented and grown I have picked up a lot of little quirks that make things easier or tastier. Here are my top five killer veggie cooking tips for vegetarians that have helped me so far. read more


Vine Post: Shakshuka

This little dish has become a serious favourite of ours since we first tried it a month or so ago. It’s become our go-to late-night, long-day, nothing-in-the-cupboards meal. It’s delicious, it’s filling, it’s moreish, and it’s also really very healthy. When you look at it that way, I’m not sure why we don’t eat shakshuka every day of the week. read more
