Vine Post: Pumpkin Houmous

In need of some Halloween nibbles for tonight? This pumpkin houmous is a great twist on the traditional recipe. It’s a little sweeter than normal and tastes fantastic warmed up as well as cold. If you dare to try something a little different, read on for our recipe and watch the video of how it’s made!

Pumpkin Houmous
Serves 4
A delicious pumpkin-based houmous which is perfect for Autumn.
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  1. 1 can pumpkin puree
  2. 1 can chickpeas
  3. 1/4 cup tahini
  4. 1/4 cup lemon juice
  5. 1 clove garlic
  6. 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  7. 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  8. Sprinkling of salt and cayenne
  1. Put everything in a blender
  2. Press blend
  3. Serve!
  1. Yep, it's really that simple! Feel free to add more spices if you want to change up the flavour. This batch was enough for both of us to eat a houmous-bowl meal and have leftovers for the next day, so you can half the recipe for a more reasonable serving.
Adapted from Closet Cooking
Adapted from Closet Cooking
We served ours up with some tasty tortilla nachos, as well as black beans mixed with sweetcorn and mole before cooking. We also sprinkled a little cheese on top. This would also go great with avocado slices! Use the nachos to scoop up the houmous as a nacho bowl like we did, or use it as a dip for finger food.

Pumpkin houmous
Pumpkin houmous


2 Replies to “Vine Post: Pumpkin Houmous”

  1. Oh wow, this sounds great! Never have I thought to make Pumpkin houmous! It sounds really lovely and perfect for this time of year. Thank you for sharing 🙂 xx

  2. I love pumpkin and I love houmous but I wouldn’t have thought to put them together! Fab idea, I know I would love this!


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