Video: Naan Burgers

Naan burgers

Our new recipe this week is the fabulous naan burger, a dish we dreamt up whilst possibly under the strong influence of one two many curries. This is what happens when you try to combine an Indian dish with a burger, and, well, it’s pretty epic. read more


Video: Garlic Bread Soup

Garlic bread soup

Garlic bread soup – it’s the future. We’ve tasted it.

This soup came about when we were thinking to ourselves about things we liked. Soup is obviously one of them, as you can no doubt tell from our blog. Garlic bread is also pretty high on the list. But can you combine the two? read more


Inamo, Covent Garden Review

Maki at Inamo

Last week we were lucky enough to be invited to eat at Inamo in Covent Garden with a £30 voucher. While we did end up spending double that without even trying – budget diners may want to take note – it was an excellent meal and a fabulous experience overall. read more


Lady Luck Portland Burger

Lady Luck Portland Burger

Yes, that’s right – we’ve been hitting up the Lady Luck again. And wouldn’t you know it – the Portland burger was their new special. It would have been rude not to give it a go, right?

So, this is what’s in it. It’s a soya burger with BBQ sauce, vegan cheese and onion rings, served on a homemade white roll with chips. It costs £9.95 and is vegan, but not gluten-free. read more


Brighton Viva! Vegan Festival Review

 We were at the fantastic Brighton Viva! Vegan Festival this weekend and had such an amazing time. It’s been more and more thrilling to attend these events – being around so much vegan food is really exciting, and offers us the chance to eat things we’ve never seen before. read more


Fry’s Meat Free Traditional Burgers

Fry's Meat Free Traditional Burgers

This week we decided to give Fry’s a try. Fry’s isn’t available in our local supermarket but we did find a wide range at Holland and Barrett, of which these Fry’s meat free traditional burgers were one.

You cook them by frying, which makes sense given the name. We popped them into a pan with some FryLight and gave them a try, served up with some Quorn bacon and rice for an impromptu weeknight meal that was quick and easy to make. read more


Cheese Posties: French Onion Soup

Cheese Posties

Recently we received a complimentary Cheese Posties delivery for review, and we’re itching to share that experience with you. You’ve heard of box subscriptions in almost every category that you can think of, but this one is super interesting – it’s a cheese toastie delivered to you at regular intervals so you can make your own with fancy ingredients and unique flavours. This is gourmet DIY toasted sandwich goodness all delivered in a quirky package – and did we mention their name is just about the best pun ever? read more
