Bad Brownies Salted Caramel

Bad Brownies

We are thrilled this week to be reviewing Bad Brownies, after we had some of their delicious treats sent out to us as a sample. “They must be lying,” was the first thing J said when we opened up the package and took our first bite. “There’s no way that’s vegan.” read more


Giveaway: London Viva! Vegan Festival Tickets

It’s giveaway time again! We’ve got a pair of tickets available for London Viva! Vegan Festival, happening on the 16th September!

London Viva! Vegan Festival is a huge vegan festival with 200 fantastic stalls for you to browse. There will be world food caterers, free samples, inspirational cookery demos and 5 rooms full of informative talks running throughout the day, so there’s no shortage of things to do. There’s also a vegan cafe for extra refreshments! read more


Asda Crispy Lemon & Pepper Chicken Style Burgers

These lemon and pepper chicken style burgers from Asda seemed kind of intriguing when we saw them in the frozen section, so we decided to give them a go. They don’t look hugely exciting – after all, plenty of other brands produce this kind of burger – but we thought, who knows? These could be the best of the bunch, and we won’t know until we give them a try. read more


Roasted Pepper Chilli Nachos

We love nachos – you know that. We even came up with a way of making our own that was healthier than buying them in-store. But how can you take a plate of nachos and make it even healthier? By using roasted peppers to create chilli nachos loaded with all the best bits, that’s how. read more


Cheatin’ Pepperoni and GranoVita Pepperoni

GranoVita Meat-Free Pepperami

We’ve got a couple of meat-free substitutes to review this week: Cheatin’ Pepperoni Style Slices and GranoVita Meat-Free Pepperoni. I’m in a bit of a unique position compared to many vegetarians because of the fact that I’ve never eaten either of those foods in their true form, which makes it a bit interesting when it comes to reviewing them. read more


Video: Cheat’s Healthy Cheese and Onion Pasties

Cheat's healthy cheese and onion pasties

These cheat’s healthy cheese and onion pasties are absolutely delicious, basically a modern marvel, and so much healthier than the real thing you won’t feel guilty about eating five. Intrigued? Wait until you hear how we do it.

The main problem with a pasty, AKA one of the most delicious foods you can buy on an average high street which is fully contained within its own wrapper, is the pastry. It’s full of calories, most of them contained in the braided crust alone. So what can you do about that? Well, the answer is to take the pastry away – and replace it with the far healthier tortilla.  read more


Goodlife Mushroom and Spinach Kievs

Goodlife mushroom and spinach kievs

These Goodlife mushroom and spinach kievs are next on our list, and you could have predicted it if you read last week’s post – as we ate them at the same time as the Fishless Fingers that we tried!

The kievs certainly live up to their name as they are very, very garlicky! That’s a plus point for us as we love garlic but they could be a little too strong for others. There’s a base of quorn underneath the breadcrumbs, which is then coated in a very strong sauce. The mushroom flavour isn’t as strong, and in fact I would say that it is almost lost in the garlic.  read more


Video: Savoury Pancakes with Cheesy Beans

Savoury pancakes with cheesy beans

Everybody loves pancakes, right? For some reason this week we just craved some savoury pancakes. It didn’t take long before a recipe came to mind, and these cheesy bean monsters were born. 

They are an absolute joy to behold, and pretty easy to make, too. It would be pretty easy to make these vegan – just choose vegan cheese – or gluten free – with an alternative type of flour. They’re very versatile and honestly won’t take long to get the hang of. And no, you don’t have to flip them in the air if you’re not feeling brave enough! read more


Quorn Fishless Fingers

Quorn fishless fingers

This is a review I have almost been dreading, because these Quorn fishless fingers were honestly one of the worst things I have ever eaten. I don’t know who came up with these, but they are completely grim on all levels. 

Apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks so, as several fellow vegetarians have commented the same to me. The thing is, most people who turn vegetarian really aren’t interested in fish. It seems that those who are remain pescatarian, for the most part at least. Fish is that thing you hold your breath while you walk past in the supermarket. It’s something other people eat. It’s gross and stinky. read more


Video: Mexican Tortilla Boats

Mexican tortilla boats

When we found these little tortilla bowls in the supermarket, we decided they were perfect for turning our usual Mexican bowls into something a little more jaunty. We came up with these Mexican tortilla boats, based on the shape of the bowls and what they brought to mind! read more
