Video: Cheesy Gnocchi and Sausage Bake

Gnocchi and sausage bake

Have we gone a bit ricotta mad? Maybe so, but with good reason. It’s back this week as an ingredient in our cheesy gnocchi and sausage bake, which is a great take on our favourite type of pasta.

You can make your own gnocchi using our recipe, but if you’re feeling lazy, you can just buy a pack from the supermarket to get you started. We won’t judge – we did the same when preparing this dish. read more


Video: Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

Chocolate-covered strawberries

With the hot weather we’ve been enjoying a lighter kind of food – lots of salads and fruit. This week we thought we’d share a simple treat which is a lot of fun to eat – and a lot easier to make than you probably think! Chocolate-covered strawberries are so delicious, we just had to film them for you. read more


Asda Roasted Root Veg & Smoked Cheddar Bakes

Asda gravy burgers

It’s time to dip into our freezer section once again, with these gravy burgers which came from Asda. Their full name is the rather wordy Roasted Root Veg & Smoked Cheddar Bakes with Caramelised Onion Gravy. It’s always fun to try something new, and these definitely appealed, though long-time readers may know I’ve been somewhat disappointed with sauce accompaniments in the past. read more


Video: Sharaf Burger Mix

Sharaf Burger Mix

Our last video was about the Sharaf falafel mix, and we couldn’t just try one. We came home with the Sharaf burger mix as well, so we could try it out and see how their stuff fares in larger sizes!

There’s no magic secret here – the mix is essentially the same, with different flavouring. The difference between making burgers and falafels is just the size that you shape them into when you are preparing them! This was just as easy to do as the falafels – if not easier, since I didn’t have to make quite as many pieces for it to work! read more


10 Ways to Cook With Carrots

Carrot and coriander soup

It’s time for a recipe round-up again! Today, we’re going cook with carrots. They’re a versatile veggie with lots of uses, whether cooked or raw.  Here’s 10 recipes using them for you to try!

1. Carrot and Coriander Soup

This soup is full of flavour – the carrot and coriander are both pretty strong, and you can definitely sweeten it up with a bit of maple syrup if you want some extra punch. We served it up with a dollop of creme fraiche and a few rocket leaves on top for a little zing.  read more
