Recipe Review: Deliciously Ella Black Bean Burgers

This week we’re looking at a recipe from another blog! We love the Deliciously Ella cookbooks and have both the first one and Every Day sitting proudly on our shelf. Of course, whenever we see a veggie burger recipe we get excited, and we just have to try it. This recipe is for the black bean burgers, which can be found in Every Day.  read more


Video: Sharaf Falafel Mix

Sharaf Falafel Mix

This week is less of a recipe and more of a demo, as we picked up this Sharaf falafel mix at Vegan Summer Fest Brighton. We tried a sample at their stall and they were delicious, but we wanted to eat some vegan burgers for our lunch so we couldn’t buy the premade ones. We decided instead to pick up a couple of their mixes – this one, for falafels, and a burger mix which we will share soon. read more


Video: Spinach and ricotta wraps

Spinach and ricotta wraps

We’re back with another new recipe! This week it’s our spinach and ricotta wraps, which we’ve spent a few weeks perfecting. It doesn’t hurt that the filling is so yummy, you might just want to eat it by itself.

This is of course based on the traditional spinach and ricotta cannelloni, though with our own take on things. I’ve personally never been a fan of the tomato sauce that is used as a based for the recipe. Instead, we’ve included our own nod to that by adding fresh cherry tomatoes to the filling, and letting the main sauce do all of the talking. read more


Cafe SoVegan Mac Daddy and Fully Loaded Herby

Vegan mac no cheese

Last weekend at the Vegan Summer Fest Brighton we managed to pick up a couple of delectable vegan burgers from Cafe SoVegan. Out of all of the burger stalls on offer they looked the most appealing, so we dove right in!

I couldn’t choose between the Mac Daddy and the Fully Loaded Herby, but helpfully they had a few samples on hand for us to try. Unhelpfully, they were both absolutely delicious, which did not help my dilemma. In the end, J went for the Mac Daddy and I had the Fully Loaded Herby, with a side of Mac No Cheese to make up for it. Here’s a few descriptions from the stand: read more


Vegan Summer Fest Brighton Review

Cupcakes from Vegan Summer Fest Brighton

After our trip to the London event, of course we were so excited about Vegan Summer Fest Brighton! We couldn’t wait to get down, and were excited to be roaming about outside on a bright sunny day. There were two parts to the set-up: a giant marquee filled with all kinds of stands, and an outdoor area complete with a stage and lots of street food. read more
