10 Ways To Cook With Sweet Potato

This week we’re sharing a recipe round-up with you – this time, all about how to cook with sweet potato! We’ve gathered our 10 favourite recipes with this delicious ingredient, and now it’s up to you to give them a try. Without further ado, let’s get stuck in! read more


Video: Almondies


This week we have something of an invention to share with: almondies, or almond blondies! We found a dessert in Canterbury which went by that name, and was delicious. This is not that dessert, and doesn’t even look remotely like it. Still, it’s a blondie packed full of almonds, so the name fits pretty well! read more


The Gatehouse Sweet Potato and Mozzarella Burger

We previously reviewed a burger at the Slug and Lettuce, but that venue in Tonbridge has since been renovated into The Gatehouse. Good news for us, because it seemed a lot livelier and had a better atmosphere when we visited to try their new burger!

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, however, as there are a lot of similarities between the two burgers. Here’s the description from The Gatehouse menu: read more


Video: Chinese Fajitas

Chinese duck

For this week’s recipe, we wanted to do something a little different. We came up with a fusion of two of our favourite cuisines:  Chinese fajitas.

This is a pretty fun meal to make, all the more so because it’s totally unexpected. But if you can make duck pancakes, we figured you can also make duck fajitas. And why shouldn’t satay sauce go with black beans? As it turns out, it does – very nicely indeed.  read more


Bill’s Halloumi Burger

Bill's Halloumi Burger

This time out we took a trip to Bill’s in Bluewater. I can’t count the number of times we have looked at the menu and then ended up somewhere else, so finally it was time to give it a try. Of course we just had to go for the halloumi burger, which is listed on the menu as follows: read more


Battle of the Burgers: Best Sauce + Burger Combo

This week we’re launching a new feature on the blog: Battle of the Burgers! This is your chance to see who is the ultimate winner in the sauce and burger combo category out of all of the options we’ve tried before.

First up, round one!

ROUND ONE: Asda Beetroot and Root Vegetable Burger vs Asda Red Pepper and Chickpea Brazilian Grills

This was a tough category to start off with. First we have the beetroot burgers, which I confessed in my review I am very partial to. read more
