Video: French Onion Soup

This is definitely one of my favourite recipes to make recently. Who would have thought that simple French onion soup could be so good? After all, it’s basically just onions… but somehow it magically transforms through cooking into something delicious and mouth-watering. read more


Smith and Western Nacho Bean Burger

Nacho bean burger from the Smith and Western

So, this is the third time I’ve reviewed the Smith and Western – and it’s their third new burger. The menu changes here so often I can barely keep up, and every time we go back there’s something new. It’s kind of annoying because it means you never get what you were expecting, and when you were looking forward to it, that’s a shame. read more


Review: Chef’s Table, France Episode 1

Chef's Table: France

Something a little different this week: a review of a television show, which you can watch right now on Netflix. Chef’s Table: France is a series looking at some of the most famous and esteemed chefs in France, exploring their methods and the dishes that made them well-known. It starts with a feature on Alain Passard, who is head chef and owner at L’Arpege in Paris. read more


Video: Mash-topped Mushroom and Swede Pie

Mash-topped mushroom and celeriac pie

This mushroom and swede pie is one of those classic cases where you start off with one thing and end up with another. This pie was originally going to be done to a recipe I had found, but with the one change of taking off the pastry and using mash as a topping instead. Then I realised I didn’t have some of the ingredients. I ordered celeriac,  but swede came instead. And after a while, I ended up making something that was totally different to what I intended – but almost certainly better. read more


Arbuckles Classic Veggi Burger

Arbuckles dessert

Today’s post is a bit special for me, because I FINALLY get to review Arbuckles. This once-big chain is now relegated to a single restaurant in Norfolk, which happens to be right down the road from my parents’ house. Despite it being there, and being popular, for so long, I never managed to make it over for a meal beyond one stop right when we first moved there. Now, at last, here’s my review of the burgers they serve. read more


Video: Pulled Pork Burger Bake

Pulled pork burger bake

We have a lot of fun creating our recipe videos, but this pulled pork burger bake has to be the funnest yet. It’s so good we’ve had it three times already since first trying the recipe. In fact, it’s going to be a staple of our weekly meal plans. It’s SO GOOD, you just have to try it for yourself. read more


Where to Eat Veggie in Birmingham

German Christmas Market

It’s time for another of our travel guides – this time based in Birmingham! I regularly go out there for fashion shows (or did until the Clothes Show shut its doors), and this year managed to stay on a little longer to visit some attractions around the area. This is by no means a comprehensive rundown of Birmingham’s vegetarian food and I would love to go back to explore some more – if I do, this guide will be updated. For now, let’s take a look at my travels! read more
