Video: Leek and Feta Fritters

This week I have some completely delicious leek and feta fritters to bring your way. These are SO GOOD that I made some for J to eat later when he came home from a night out and I ate most of those too (sorry!).

There’s a lot of oil involved in this one, and it’s very rare that I cook with oil at all, let alone in this kind of quantity. But the end result is worth it – trust me. If you’re worried about adding calories with the fritters soaked in oil, then make sure to drain them off on paper towels before putting them in the oven – and you can do it again before serving if you feel it’s necessary. read more


Birchwood Farm Spicy Veggie Burger

Birchwood Farm spicy veggie burger

Last year I brought you a review of the then-veggie burger at Birchwood Farm, and on this year’s visit I was pretty pleased to find that they have changed the menu! That means another veggie burger for me, and a new review for you.

There’s not a lot of information on the menu – all it has to say is this: read more


Video Post: Rocket and Chorizo Hash

rocket and chorizo hash

This week we just felt like having breakfast for dinner. The rocket and chorizo hash is our take on a classic breakfast meal in the US, though I’m not sure it’s quite as popular over here! Don’t fret, readers, we haven’t gone barbarian on you – the chorizo is a Quorn product, as you are about to see. read more


Restaurant Review: Wahaca

Eating at Wahaca

We don’t normally do reviews for places that don’t serve burgers, but Wahaca definitely deserves a nod. It’s one of our go-to places to eat when we’re out at Bluewater or even in London, especially if we happen to be by the Southbank. So, this week I’m reviewing Wahaca, along with a few photos from our last visit! read more


Video Recipe: Carrot and Coriander Soup

Carrot and coriander soup

We’re officially launching our YouTube channel this week with a shiny new look! Which makes this carrot and coriander soup officially our first big video. We’re so excited to share it with you because it’s really different to the normal soups that we make. It’s actually done to more of a traditional recipe, which is fantastic for those of you who don’t enjoy soup so thick it barely drops from the spoon like we usually make! read more


10 Recipes With Pumpkin

No-bake pumpkin cake

VegBurge has been around for over 2 years now, so we figured it’s time we start to amalgamate some of our recipes into easy-to-find lists for you. Each of our list posts is going to focus on one ingredient or style of dish, so you can create whatever you are craving. This week we’re looking at pumpkin, one of our favourite autumn/winter choices. read more


Video: Honey roasted sesame seed carrots

We told you a little while back that there would be some changes going forward with our recipes – and we’ve started to make them! This week we’re bringing you the first video post which features our recipes filmed on a DSLR for you to watch.  read more


New Year Veggie Feast 2016

New Year's veggie main

And we’re back with another veggie feast – this time from our New Year celebrations! Just as with the Christmas food, we have a set schedule for our meals at this time of year. On New Year’s Eve we have a massive buffet with finger food to enjoy. Then on New Year’s Day we sit down to a two-course meal with starters and mains. Throw in copious amounts of champagne and other celebratory drinks and it’s a party! read more
