Georgia’s Choice Mexican Bean Bakes

This week we found something completely new in the supermarket! That’s not a very regular occurrence these days, so it was pretty exciting (and this is probably why I don’t get invited to many dinner parties). These Georgia’s Choice Mexican bean bakes looked too good to ignore, and the chance to try a new brand was something I just couldn’t pass up. read more


Slug and Lettuce: Veggie Burger

Having lived just about across the road from one of their branches multiple times, I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to eat at a Slug and Lettuce. All the same, I’ve finally managed to get around to it, and you know what I just had to eat… Here’s the menu description: read more


Vine Recipe: Apple and Honey Loaf

This one is adapted from one of the recipes in Deliciously Ella’s first book. I felt like we needed to have something sweet and as low-calorie as possible for after dinner, so I whipped up a batch! I adjusted a few details, as you will see, but this apple and honey loaf is still suitable for veggies. It’s no longer gluten-free as I used plain flour, but that’s a simple substitution if you want to try it. read more


Maxwells: Veg-Out Burger

I have to introduce you to my new favourite place to eat. Reader, meet Maxwells. 

Well, alright, when I say eat, I really mean drink. But to be fair, a drink at Maxwell’s is sort of like a meal anyway. Case in point: their freakshakes, which are really just desserts with a liquid component. Here’s the oreo freakshake, topped with an ice cream sandwich, layers of cream, and broken up oreos, and with an oreo milkshake on the inside. read more


Vine Recipe: Carrot & Hazelnut Loaf

We’re all about Sunday lunch at the moment. There’s just something so satisfying about fresh, crunchy vegetables doused in gravy, and combined with fluffy Yorkshire puddings. Then there’s the main event, the piece de resistance – in this case, a delicious carrot and hazelnut loaf. I picked this recipe up from a cookbook I’ve had since my student days, then tweaked it around a bit to my tastes. It’s amazing what you can find in books you’ve had for years! read more


All Star Lanes – Goats Cheese Stack

On a recent trip in the Brick Lane area, the pull of All Star Lanes was too much to resist. This glorious little slice of London is a bowling alley, karoake bar, and American-style diner all in one, and it’s definitely right up my alley (ha!). We had a couple of burgers there, but first let’s discuss the one that’s currently on the menu: the Goat’s Cheese Stack. read more


Asda Mushroom and Spinach Polenta Bakes

This is probably the “burger” with the longest name I’ve tried yet. Not only does it have a long name in the first place, but it also has a subtitle. This is the Asda Mushroom and Spinach Polenta Bakes with creamy mushroom sauce – and believe me, the packaging is a lie. Yes, alright, the bake does look sort of like that, but that’s about one-tenth of the sauce there, and since there are only two bakes in the packet, I guess the other plate was swimming. read more
