The Vauxhall Inn – Spiced Mexican Melt Burger

Vauxhall Inn

After a long day filming a TV pilot recently, J and I were dropped back by the production company at an easy to reach location: the Vauxhall Inn, which just so happens to be a restaurant with a pretty good reputation. They also have a dedicated vegetarian section on the menu, which is more than enough to impress me – so we decided to skip the cooking and give it a go.  read more


Vine Recipe: Veggie Bacon Gnocchi

Gnocchi is back! We actually love making our own gnocchi and find it a really simple but delicious meal to make. This recipe is adapted from our simple gnocchi recipe to give it that little something extra special: bacon! Obviously, we aren’t including real bacon, but we’ve discovered the Quorn bacon lardons which are really delicious when cooked up properly. read more


Vine Round Up (April 2016)

Hi all! Now, if you only follow us here on the blog, you most likely already know that we usually post Vine videos on Mondays. What you may have seen is that every now and then there’s no post on a Monday – usually when the Vine doesn’t require a recipe to go along with it. In order to keep you all up to date, this is a quick Vine round up of some of the delicious clips we’ve posted lately that didn’t quite make it onto the blog. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory, which is why we didn’t do recipe posts for these – but if you have any particular questions, please feel free to leave a comment and ask away. In the meantime, feast your eyes… read more


Vine Post: Super Simple Gnocchi

This is possibly the simplest recipe in the world, and I have no idea why it took me this long to try it. I always thought that it must be really difficult to make gnocchi – surely? But as it turns out, it’s so simple you can make it a regular meal staple. It’s delicious to do and you can cut down a lot of time with one simple cheat: buying frozen mash instead of mashing the potatoes yourself. read more


Juggling Blogging with Real Life

This week I wanted to talk about something that has been on my mind lately. Blogging is something that a lot of people do out of joy, and a few for money. It’s much more likely to cost you than it is to earn you anything. It’s also a lot of hard work. So how are you supposed to juggle something like this along with real life? read more


Vine Post: Muttar Paneer

Alright, get ready for some serious paneer action! J and I LOVE paneer and can be relied upon to order a dish containing it whenever the opportunity arises. We decided we wanted to see if we can bring our favourite Indian takeaway meal home, and make it ourselves. I’ll be upfront and say that mine is not 100% as good as our local Indian does it – but then again, it’s probably substantially healthy, so it’s more or less a good compromise. read more


Smokey’s Spicy Bean Burger

Recently, we were in Brighton for the day and decided to top it off with a veggie burger. There are a lot of great veggie and vegan options in this city – we’re planning a round-up sooner or later – so narrowing it down was tough. We eventually settled on Smokey’s, which is a bit of a weird one. It’s downstairs – we actually walked past it at first because we didn’t expect to be looking downwards to find it – and despite the American BBQ theme, actually looks more like a traditional English pub inside, albeit with Spanish-language film posters. It’s a strange vibe but quite a nice one, and we settled in well after walking through the rain to get there. read more
