Vine Post: Baked Apples with Coconut Cream

So lately I’ve been trying to make more desserts, and these baked apples from the Deliciously Ella book caught our eye. As they’re from the book I won’t repost the recipe here, but you can read it elsewhere if you wish. 

Baked apples
Baked apples

What I will tell you is what I changed: instead of raisins and pecans, I used a dried fruit mix (like you would have in a mince pie) and skipped the nuts altogether. I also used normal sugar instead of coconut palm sugar.

Baked apple goodness
Baked apple goodness

These were reasonably easy to make, although I think they could have done with a tiny bit less time in the oven as some of the raisins were a little cremated! The apples themselves were delicious and I loved the cream – I reckon that could be served simply as a drink! It reminded me of that creamy, refreshing taste of horchata and is definitely in the same vein, although perhaps not the healthiest thing you could drink.

Here’s the Vine so you can see how we made them!


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